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DUPE (the other day this guy told me about how a quiet thing can make a loud thing louder), 2023
Pewter, interior trim

DUPE, 2023
Pewter, drywall screws left from previous exhibition

DUPE, 2023
Original stud framing at 1900 Columbus Ave, original iron nails, CPU gold

DUPE, 2023
Original gas valve, plaster

DUPE, 2023
Bronze, ceramic shell

Quicksilver, 2023
PLA, concrete, pine, plywood, servo motors, Arduino, extension cord

Abrahammotherfuckinglincoln, 2022
Double- heads penny cast in copper

New Speed of Apparition (With Cade Duff), 2024
Pine, brackets, acrylic, LEDs, WLED, 9v power supply, extension cord, ESP, Arduino

Kevan’s Horses, 2022
Bronze, organic and synthetic patinas